Zero Sum Game: Pre-Physical-Existence & Psychophysical Reality

Iona Miller


The whole of physics is predicated on the primacy of Nothing, multidimensional opposites space. The premise is metasymmetry, a self-consistent and unassuming notion which yields only zero-sum statements. Therefore, a theory of everything (TOE) also defines a theory of nothing (TON). What does pre-physical-existence mean in a largely material physics tuned to the meta-physics of the intangible? To be an accurate description of reality, a theory of everything must necessarily include consciousness. The turn-over of matter in the body means there is no single, stable structure over time -- just a duration of consciousness, pure disembodied information.

Consciousness is mediated by the entire cortex, so no single gestalt contains the entire envelope of experience. The turn-over of matter in the body means there is no single, stable structure over time--just a duration of consciousness, virtually disembodied information or vacuum energy. Physical matter is actually is nothing but energy and equivalent to light, which resides outside of space and time, therefore, matter = energy = stabilized light. Light and consciousness are virtually interchangeable. Universe is comprised consciousness which manifests itself in infinite physical and nonphysical forms and fields. Experience, as well as its interpretations, may be encoded in a field, but a computed model of the natural world and the natural world are not the same thing.

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