Mind and Tachyons: Mind-Body Interactive Dualism

Syamala Hari


Following on the observation in Vedanta that mind is restless and faster than matter, we propose that memory and thought in the brain involve tachyons. Although experiments to detect faster-than-light particles have not been successful so far, recently, there has been renewed interest in tachyon theories in various branches of physics. We suggest that tachyon theory may be applicable to brain physics as well. As a first step, in an earlier work, it was shown that in the quantum mechanical model of exocytosis by Beck and Eccles, a zero energy tachyon can precisely do the task of an Eccles’s psychon and therefore that our proposal can mathematically model mind’s action on the brain. We see below that our proposal can mathematically describe how the brain acts on the mind as well. Assuming that the brain is a non-relativistic quantum system, and representing mind-brain interaction as tachyon interaction with ordinary matter, we see that the brain creates subjective experience in the form of tachyons if the mind made up of tachyons, pays attention to the brain while it receives sensory inputs.

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ISSN: 2153-831X