Physics & Cosmic Order V: Quantum Atoms, Space & Time

Robert W. Campbell


The Bohr model of the atom is reviewed, since it provided the foundation the quantum mechanical approach to atomic structure. The original contributions to atomic and quantum theory are shown to be consistent with System 3. The primary interval of time is derived from the first orbit of the hydrogen atom, the number of intervals per orbit being the cube of the principal quantum number. The derivation of Louis de Broglie’s wave equation is reviewed. Particle waves are shown to be associated with relative jumps in position due to relative space frame skipping. The neutron is a regenerative mode of a secondary System 3 that applies to the fusion of the higher elements. This contracts internal space-time in stellar centers to compensate for contractions in the integrated fabric of external space-time due to relative space-frame skipping associated with the angular motions of stars. The perceptual transposition of the electron interface in the neutron accounts for the strong force and the weak force consistent with nuclear models. Inconsistencies in the Bohr semi-classical model are reconciled with the quantum mechanical model to provide transparent insight into the structural dynamics of the atom. A tertiary application of System 3 is linked to chemical synthesis and the evolution of planetary systems. The reflux of old stars back through the galactic center regenerates the periodic primary projection of hydrogen radially outward as feedstock for new generations of stars. Galaxies are creatively regenerating their stellar populations. Alternate explanations for the red shift of distant galaxies and the background radiation emerge.

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ISSN: 2153-831X