Review of John C. Landon’s Book: World History and the Eonic Effect: Civilization, Darwinism, and Theories of Evolution

Stephen P. Smith


John C. Landon's "Word History and the Eonic Effect" is a worthy read for anyone interested in cultural evolution and theories of evolution. Historicism, the belief that history unfolds from universal laws (leading to a blind induction without remainder), is exposed as fraud. The best example of fraud is Darwinism, the belief that macro-evolution is explained by random variation and natural selection. In fact, evolution necessarily implies something ineffable; otherwise we fall back into historicism. Fixity of purpose, stuck on historicism, stuck on Darwinian explanations of biological function, leads to the blind leading the blind. You can find this book at Amazon: World History and the Eonic Effect: Civilization, Darwinism, and Theories of Evolution.

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