Scientific GOD, Inc. ("SGI") is a New York not-for-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status as of March 1, 2010. It publishes Scientific GOD Journal ("SGJ", ISSN: 2153-831X) and Educational Materials for the Sciurch of Scientific GOD. It launched and successfully completed "Information for World Transformation" through two Projects: 2012 Daily and 2012 Community. It has further launched the Sciurch of Scientific GOD and 11 Prompt - A Higher Calling for A New World: 1God1World, 1World1People & 1World1Dream. SGI's other objectives includes conducting scientific research on GOD and promoting the said research by organizing scientific conferences, etc.(when feasible). As of October 1, 2019, SGI owns and operates viXra which is an open access electronic repository for preprint papers from all areas of science, mathematics, and humanity including religion and spiritualism. The operation of viXra is under the direction of a steering committee comprising the original founders and administrators and will continue as usual. The scope of SGI's activities will depend on its available funds and other resources plus its ability to raise additional funds. Please support Scientific GOD, Inc. by making a Financial Contribution through PayPal: