About Language, Self Reference and Everything

Matti Pitkanen


The ontology of TGD inspired theory of consciousness  consist of the trinity formed by objective realities represented by configuration space spinor fields, subjective realities defined by quantum jump sequences between quantum histories (selves), and geometrical objects (res extensa) represented by spacetime surfaces. The infinite-dimensional configuration space of 3-surfaces is believed to be determined completely by the requirement that it allows Kahler geometry free of infinities: infinite- dimensional ontology is fixed by self consistency. Quantum histories (configuration space spinor fields, ’solutions of field equations’) are not only representations for objective realities but identical with them: painting is the landscape so that there is no theory-reality dualism at this level. Quantum histories can be also identified as inhabitants of the Platonic realm of ideas. p-Adic nondetermism and the nondeterminism of the basic variational principle defining configuration space geometry correspond to the nondeterminisms of cognition and language. These nondeterminisms make it possible to represent, not only the quantal aspects of quantum states, but also quantum jumps sequences defining selves as spacetime regions. This explains the self-referentiality of consciousness meaning that it is possible to become conscious of being conscious about something. One ends up to a view about mathematics in which one must distinguish between mathematical ideas at the level of quantum histories and quantum jump sequences (’that which is’), and their cognitive and linguistic representations at spacetime level: the latter ones can never be faithful so that in this sense the map is not the territory.

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