Ancient Wisdom in Modern Age: An Archaic Renaissance

Iona Miller, Paul Wildman


Today we do our best to live in a world going mad as if we need to give ourselves some sort of psychic vaccination, so we can inoculate ourselves from this madness. This vaccination may be an archetypal journey through our contemplation which will necessitate a shamanic tincture and a delving into the darkness and light of our own depths. It is only by going through and making the darkness conscious and conscious darkness that we arrive at the light. In this article we seek to expand on techniques I and V in Table 1 in Miller and Wildman (2012:493) published in this journal. Technique I is "Doing Immersion (exoteric thesis) – practical involvement in mundane life"; and Technique V is "Re-entry of life ‘creactive' synthesis." In the end, we suggest a ‘bridge of boats’ approach that will allow anyone to position themselves where they are comfortable and such that they can make a practical contribution.

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ISSN: 2153-831X